Cavtat, Croatia harbor
oil paint on panel
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Width: 20in
Ken Wallace
I have always wanted to be a painter doing fine art. I started drawing when I was in grammar school and in high school, I did watercolor paintings It came easy for me, but I couldn’t picture making a living doing art full time, I needed a real job. I learned many different skills in my career including home construction and 30 years as a machinist. Art was always on my mind as something I really wanted to do but I put it off thinking I can do it when I retire. I enjoy oil painting so much I wish I would have started years ago, now I feel like a newcomer playing catch up. After retiring my wife and I traveled to Europe to visit relatives and I really got the bug to paint. I am mostly self-taught and have so many things I want to paint I really enjoy seascapes and mountains. I like to learn something new in each painting. I like to paint something that people would be happy to have and display on their walls to enjoy. As with my other skills I love to help people learn the things that I know, that makes me happy.