Jerri Kuehn
A Little Ruddy
Fire Fox of Bamboo Forest (red panda) $750.00
Just Passing Through $285.00
Radiant in Red $225.00
Tiger Awareness $250.00
Jerri Kuehn
Jerri Kuehn
Artist Statement:
I create art because I’ve learned I must; it feeds and calms my soul. It lets my spirit soar.
Having drawn since first able to hold a pencil, I began studying acrylic painting in 2011 with artist/teacher Wayne Jiang.
I am continually fascinated with the process of making an image appear three-dimensional on a flat surface. I love the interplay of opposites (yin-yang): light/shadow, translucent/opaque, hard/soft, muted/saturated, etc. I use an under-painting and glazing technique to achieve luminosity and depth. I enjoy creating small, intimate portraits of a wide variety of subject matter as a tribute to honor our experience of life here on this awesome, mysterious, indescribably magnificent planet called Earth. I am honored to be a vessel this expression flows through.
While my acrylic paintings are very pre-planned, my mixed media collage art is more abstract and evolving. I start with an idea and then see where it takes me. This is a nice creative balance.

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 17 - 18: Site# 161
950 Kennard Way, Sunnyvale
Site: 161
950 Kennard Way