Anthony Schaefer
Anthony Schaefer
Art is a joy, engage it in any way you care to! Make art, view art or support and artist.
I began making art in 2016 with my daughter Celia Carstens, when she was graduating from Santa Clara University. She shared her passion for art and art history with me and now I share it with you.
I explore the world through art, color and form, imagination and expression. Painting with oil on wood or canvas I dream a colorful world.
Instagram: tonyschaefer_art
Facebook: tony.schaefer.16

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 459 Found & Form
209 Cupertino Way, San Mateo
Anthony Schaefer
Site: 459 Found & Form
209 Cupertino Way
San Mateo
Site: 459 Found & Form
209 Cupertino Way
San Mateo