Mary Cook
Chicken Chair
Geishas and Cats
Mosaic Kitty
Moving in Africa
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Patio Fountain in Mosaic
Mary Cook
My name is Mary Crocker Cook, and Recovery Kitty is a labor of love for me and key to my long-term recovery! My love of art and design makes my heart happy. I spend a lot of time with beaded work and have recently started working with broken china mosaics. When I am working on a tapestry or creating a mosaic time passes and suddenly it has been 6 hours! It truly is my "zone." I am also part of a local Non-profit, Many Paths One Destination,, and organize an Art of Recovery art show and sale every year in March. We have formed a strong group of creative people in substance use recovery who use our art as part of our long-term recovery. If you are an artist in recovery, and would like to join us, please contact me!
Instagram: recoverykittyart

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 17 - 18: Site# 198
85 Floyd St, San Jose
Site: 198
85 Floyd St
San Jose