Karen Cox
Chromatic City Flow
Connect The Dots
Ethereal Journey
Four Square
Midnight Cascade
Verdant Dreamscape
Karen Cox
Karen Cox
“Be bold and fearless in your art” is my motto.
I love playing with design and color. My goal is that the viewer marvels over these in my paintings but doesn’t quite know why. I want the viewer to make their own journey, discovering areas that move them across the board and excite them along the way.
It is that thrill of the dance between light, color, and shape that excites me to create in many media—encaustic, oil, acrylic, collage and mixed being my favorites, imagination being the catalyst.
Take Risks. Paint with soul.
Bio: Karen Cox was a successful interior designer for over 35 years. Her love of color and design led her to pursue her passion of painting contemporary, abstract and imaginative art.
Email: kcoxbox@gmail.com
Website: www.karencoxart.com/
Instagram: kcoxart
Facebook: KarenCoxArt

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 3 - 4: Site# 13
319 N Eldorado St, San Mateo
May 10 - 11: Site# 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos
Site: 13
319 N Eldorado St
San Mateo
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos