Debra Murov
Afternoon Sun on Tower
Agapanthus Dance
Eucalyptus Bark Clothesline
Taste the Grapes
Tree Shadows
Yellow Infinity
Debra Murov
“My intent is to paint an emotion that evokes a feeling rather than representation of place.”
Watercolorist, primarily. I strive against being a purist-watercolorist, i.e. allowing other mediums (natural inks, pastels, and/or metallics) to creep into the paintings to express an emotional feeling of place and time.
After four decades in the field of graphic design — beginning with T-squares, triangles, radiograph pens, and vellum, when delete was an electric eraser or knife blade and ending with digitized, electronic files delivered via e-mail, I have paused the “command Z” keyboard stroke and returned to my first love, marks on paper.
In 2022, wielding a brush, watercolors and paper, I moved from the blue screen to the blue skies and joined the Bay Area Plein-Air Painters group. I am drawn to the multitude of colors that I observe as the morning sun
and creeps
across the landscape into the afternoon sunlight during the three hours we paint outdoors. I prefer plein-air (open air) painting as an emotionally, expressive starting off point but allow space for the finished work to percolate inside my studio.
Instagram: dimurovart

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 121
797 Parma Way, Los Altos
Site: 121
797 Parma Way
Los Altos