Inna Zatulovsky
Inna Zatulovsky
My name is Inna Zatulovsky. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine.
By education I am a Mechanical Engineer. I am retired now after working at the Semiconductor Manufacturing Company in Silicon Valley for the last 23 years.
What can I tell you about myself? I love life and can’t get enough of it. My many hobbies include Photography, Alternative Medicine and Crafts, but my main hobby is to change hobbies.
The latest one is a floral collage – the modern interpretation of Japanese Oshibana Art.
I always wanted to paint but never had time to obtain required skills. I was introduced to this are more than six years ago and realized that Nature is the best artist of all and my job is to take its masterpieces and arrange them on paper.
Every time when I go for a walk in the neighborhood I am looking around to gather materials for my art. The treasured finds are unusual twigs, fallen leaves, faded flowers that normally nobody will look at. I am looking for a hidden beauty in the afterlife of the plants.
For me the process of creating this art is also means of self-expression – it shows my fantasies, thoughts and emotional state. It helps to calm my mind and have time to myself.
During COVID I spend my time by venturing into paper collages, paper quilling and paintings made from wool. I also collaborate with photographer Michael Endicott to create unusual work of art using his photographs and wool. Come and check it out.
I taught in person craft classes for kids and volunteered at This organisation is a treasure house for mixed media artists.
I hope my work will inspire you to create something beautiful.

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos