Colleen Mirassou
Colleen Mirassou
My medium is assemblage and collage. I was trained classically in oil painting and drawing representationally. As I worked over the years the art came off the canvas. Paintings became collage and collage became 3-D assemblage. These pieces are comprised of things I have collected that especially attracted me; mainly naturally aged material.
My pieces express a concept or personal feelings which I feel becomes universal. I studied at the Academy of Art in San Francisco toward my BA and Notre Dame De Namur University for my masters in Art Therapy.

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos
Colleen Mirassou
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos