Lynn Hanchett
Lynn Hanchett
I love painting with oils.My subject matter includes: portraiture, landscapes, animals, birds, still life, my English garden and the occasional abstraction.
I am very excited to share my paintings and my outrageious garden with you again. Surprises in store!
You can always see my work at Aegis Gallery in Saratoga where I share "artist of the month" billing April 2025, and Summer Winds Nursery in Cupertino wheres a 4′ x 5′ painting is on permanent display.
Instagram: lynnhanchettart
Facebook: Lynn.hanchett

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 17 - 18: Site# 184
5051 Betlo Ct, San Jose
Lynn Hanchett
Site: 184
5051 Betlo Ct
San Jose
Site: 184
5051 Betlo Ct
San Jose