Tatiana Kuvaldina
Pastoral Harmony. Crimson Meadows
Path to Dusk
Sunlit Grapevine Slopes
Through the Wine Glass
Whispers of Dawn
Tatiana Kuvaldina
Hi there!
I’m Tatiana Kuvaldina, a nature artist based in Mountain View. My art is all about capturing the vibrant, serene, and harmonious beauty of the natural world.
I’m in love with oil pastels because they let me express myself freely. Whether I’m finishing a piece in a day or moving at a snail’s pace, I don’t have to worry about the medium drying out. I can even step away for months and come back with the same energy and quality.
Blues and purples are my lifelong favorites. As a little girl, I loved dressing in baby blue. While my taste has evolved, my love for cool tones remains. I’ll never forget the moment a teacher pointed out that I could only mix a handful of warm colors while my palette of cool hues was overflowing. That’s when I realized my eyes were just more in tune with cool colors, so I decided to embrace it. Now, blues and purples are the heart of my work.
So, why not join me on this colorful journey where emotion meets the vibrant world of art?
Email: tatiana@tkuva.com
Website: www.tkuva.com/
Instagram: tkuva_illustrates
Facebook: tkuva.illustrates

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 17 - 18: Site# 397 Maker Nexus
1330 Orleans Dr, Sunnyvale
Site: 397 Maker Nexus
1330 Orleans Dr