Kathleen J Borgman
Kathleen J Borgman
I believe we are all born with a creative spirit and it’s up to us to grow that spirit and try to find a way to share it with others. Art can show a wide range of emotions from sorrow to excitement, joy and outrage, passion and despair. It can be simple or complicated in nature. It is our challenge as artists to learn how to express those emotions and reach out and touch our audience.
Email: KJBorgman@gmail.com
Website: Instagram@kjbartwork
Instagram: kjbartwork

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 144
1423 Ranchita Dr, Los Altos
Kathleen J Borgman
Site: 144
1423 Ranchita Dr
Los Altos
Site: 144
1423 Ranchita Dr
Los Altos