Frances Wren
Across the Road from Teddy’s. Dusk. (Detail)
Afloat (detail)
Bill at the Beach
Landing (Detail)
Launching (detail)
Waiting (Detail)
Frances Wren
I am an Irish artist who has lived in the Bay Area for over twenty years. I am a figurative artist whose work lies at the interface between painting and drawing. I variously use charcoal, chalk pastel, oil pastel, oil, oil stick, inks and monotype to interpret people, spaces, dream, and memory.
Instagram: sophiemaggiore

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 40
528 Encina Ave, Menlo Park
Frances Wren
Site: 40
528 Encina Ave
Menlo Park
Site: 40
528 Encina Ave
Menlo Park