Neil Murphy
At Least They Have Potential
Bird Awaits Moon
Fish Dreams
Glutamate Koan
Green Water Game
Impossible Cubes with Koi
Neil Murphy
Strong colors and illumination. Yup! My Hawaiian Island upbringing makes certain of that. Shapes from nature, themes from neurobiology and science, add some abstraction and the geometries of Asian color fields — and you’ve got what energizes my work.
I start an artwork with a flood of water and pigment across a horizontal unprimed canvas. Then come shapes and lines with paint and ink, layer upon layer. Often the imagery takes a mixed media detour into the digital domain. Those ventures yield embellished prints, collages, and illuminated transparent multilayered glowing images.
The final art may be realistic representations of animals or scientifically accurate molecular structures. Perhaps you’ll see imaginary beings inhabiting fanciful abstracted landscapes. "Curious Maps of Impossible Places" is a series with its trails leading to both dead ends — and unexpected wonders. Who knows what will appear in the end? Not me!
I’m involved in efforts to help those with mental health challenges. Unsurprisingly, these topics are reflected in many of my artworks, My own family has been deeply affected by these issues — not surprising as 1 in of 4 of us face these difficulties at some point in our lives.
Studio visits are most welcome. Let me know when you’d like to stop by. My studio is located at Art Bias in San Carlos. Roughly 40 artists onsite who create all imaginable kinds of art.
Instagram: neil_murphy_art
Facebook: neil.murphy.984
Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos