Alan Hart
Alan Hart
After many years of film photography, digital photography has accelerated my image quality and artistic expression. Focused on natural light image capture of our environment and nature, my pictures attempt to provide the viewer new experiences they may not have seen yet or familiar images from a new perspective. In a world of chaos and fabricated realities, finding the true wonders of nature and joys of humanity may require some hunting . . . and when found I hope they cause you to pause and enjoy them as they do me. Above all, the images of our world are shaped by the impact we have upon them and we should take the time and energy to celebrate them and ask how we can positively influence these same experiences for future generations. The power of photography is still its ability to capture the truth of the moment.
Instagram: alanhartphotography

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos