Lindsay Hogue
Lindsay Hogue
I have been an "artist at heart" all my life, but really started to paint 10 years ago, when life with grown kids allowed. Born in British Columbia, Canada, I grew up loving the out-of-doors, and the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. My paintings reflect that influence, as I love to paint landscapes and seascapes and experiment with mixed media. Each year I try to do a series of paintings based on a theme. This summer it has been painting figures. I have a studio at Art Bias at 1700 Industrial Rd. in San Carlos, which is open to the public when artists are there. Hope you enjoy seeing them on my web-site, or can come by and see my work.
Instagram: lindsayhogue
Facebook: Lindsayhogue

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos