Deborah Shea
Deborah Shea
Pastels are Deborah Shea’s favorite medium. She feels the beautiful color range of pastels could not be more expressive. Their fluidity and ability to layer is ideal to render all the beauty in florals; exploring the abstract shapes, finding the path of light, creating transparency and building the luminous color of the flower centers and petals. She prefers to work in large scale paintings, drawing the viewer in to experience her art.
Growing up in San Francisco, CA, Deborah developed a lifelong love of art from her parents, grandparents and uncle. She has been drawing and painting since she was a young girl. At the age of 14, she participated in an arts summer program with Ruth Asawa.
Deborah received her degree in Art Studio and Design from UC Davis, studying with Wayne Thiebaud, Roland Petersen and Frances Butler. She had a long career as a designer and illustrator before devoting herself to her fine art full time in 2017. She has won numerous awards in juried and solo exhibitions and featured in many publications. In 2023 Deborah was chosen to exhibit in the 2023 CZI Community Space in Redwood City.
Deborah teaches pastel workshops at her studio at Art Bias in San Carlos and classes with the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe. She currently resides in Redwood City.
Instagram: debdsheastudios

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd, San Carlos
Site: 18 Art Bias
1700 Industrial Rd
San Carlos