Doreen Maller
Doreen Maller
Inspired by the wildlife and livestock around our home, we have set up a dinner-table workshop to share the world as we see it, in its beauty and its fragility. Steve is the photographer; I sketch, paint, print and finish, sometimes embroidering on his photos or creating work in fiber. We live in a kind of partnership with the world outside our door and our art becomes a chronicle of the passing of seasons, the work of the land, and the flight of our individual fancies. We make art every day. The sun comes up and then the moon rises and the tides come and go. Animals cross our paths or we seek them out. Wild, work, domesticated. Aging, birthing, hunting, sleeping. Every day, wherever we go, we chronicle.
It is a small planet.
We are all in this together.
Instagram: littledoreen
Facebook: doreenmaller

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 3 - 4: Site# 345 Maller Cottage Industries
799 Main Street Suite L, Half Moon Bay
Site: 345 Maller Cottage Industries
799 Main Street Suite L
Half Moon Bay