Libby Raab
Libby Raab
Libby Raab is an architect and paper weaver based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Along with running her architecture studio, she works with photo and paper weaving as an exploration of colors, textures, and pattern. Libby believes that like architecture, weaving is a form of spatial expression and material experimentation. Her work explores the intersection of geometry, digital technology, and nature. By hand weaving original photos that have been digitally altered, Libby aims to create a dialogue between tradition and innovation, organic and synthetic textures, reality, and illusion
Instagram: liesel.scribbles
Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 35 Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation
1400 Roosevelt Ave, Redwood City
Libby Raab
Site: 35 Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation
1400 Roosevelt Ave
Redwood City
Site: 35 Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation
1400 Roosevelt Ave
Redwood City