Patricia Nojima
Patricia Nojima
Line, design, and composition matter to me. I use layers of glazes to alter or brighten hues. The more I paint, the more I realize the importance of values and the appearance of light. I simplify, idealize ordinary subjects to reduce them to more graphic or whimsical images. And color, (the fun part!) I still don’t understand, maybe I never will. But paintings have minds of their own. They say “Put yellow here, blue there…” And I do.
See more of my work at Gallery House, 826 Santa Cruz Ave, Menlo Park, CA: and at my own website:
Instagram: patricianojima
Facebook: PatriciaRhinesNojima

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 124
475 Knoll Dr, Los Altos
Site: 124
475 Knoll Dr
Los Altos