Martine Mahoudeau
Martine Mahoudeau
I love to work with Watercolors, and Acrylic in very different ways. With Watercolors I look for the unique atmosphere of a place, and with Acrylics I like in semi-abstract or abstract form, to use my creativity to reveal human emotions and characters. I also work with block-prints to create small prints about people and nature.
I wanted to be an artist since childhood and was always inspired by nature and by human emotions, especially by the ways they have been expressed freely since the beginning of the 20th century by many artists.
Instagram: martinemahoudeau

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 118
2234 Vineyard Ct, Los Altos
Martine Mahoudeau
Site: 118
2234 Vineyard Ct
Los Altos
Site: 118
2234 Vineyard Ct
Los Altos