Nancy Wagstaff
Desert Winds
Little Buddy
Small Town Welcome
To Robbie Nell, The Girl I Really Love
Western Cow Pony
Nancy Wagstaff
My travels to remote and emptier parts of the western U.S. are the source and inspiration for my paintings. I am drawn to objects and scenes that not only speak of another time and place, but that ask the viewer to contemplate the beauty, dignity, and mystery of their existence. The vast and empty expanses of the West can also can be the subject matter of my paintings. And when I am between paintings, I enjoy portrait drawing.

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 10 - 11: Site# 525
934 Millie Ave, Menlo Park
Nancy Wagstaff
Site: 525
934 Millie Ave
Menlo Park
Site: 525
934 Millie Ave
Menlo Park