J Belinda Carr
J Belinda Carr
The Artist –
Belinda Carr is an artist who specializes in creating digital art that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional photography. Her work encompasses artistic renderings and unique perspectives that aim to captivate viewers. Belinda has been fortunate enough to showcase her artwork in various galleries across the San Francisco Bay area and in Scotland. Some of her pieces have also been featured in art books and magazines. However, Belinda’s true measure of success lies in the satisfaction of seeing her artwork find a place in someone’s home.
The Art –
Each piece is carefully assessed for its esthetic value as a piece of art to enhance a space. Some pieces are digitally painted with no photograph as its origin. These images are created using a tablet connected to a computer application which turns an electronic pen into a paintbrush.
Other images originate by being captured by a high-end, mirrorless camera. Each image is then edited to bring out the colors and shapes that draw viewers’ attention.
Some photos have additional steps applied to make the image more striking and ‘artistic’. These photos are “ARTiculated” in which a more painterly look has been applied through digital processing. These images display special textures and art-based enhancements. ARTiculated images look great on all media, but are especially vibrant on canvas and watercolor paper.
Email: belinda.carr@gmail.com
Website: bcarr.art
Instagram: glimpsesofmagic
Facebook: belinda.carr.357