Nancy Hall
Nancy Hall
My experience is that there is no such thing as an inanimate object. Everything is alive and has something to say.
The artist may have the drive that creates, but inspiration is gained from appreciating the qualities of the materials as well.
I have a respect and love for certain kinds of objects that collaborate with me. They are alive and have their own story, especially wood but also metal objects; they want to show off. They are ambitious! They talk to each other and jockey for position.
They wink and ham it up.
Assembling is a kind of esthetic story telling with shapes, weights and textures. I spend a lot of time just listening…
Facebook: nancygroovethinghall

Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 3 - 4: Site# 268 Sanchez Art Center
1220 #B Linda Mar Blvd, Pacifica
Site: 268 Sanchez Art Center
1220 #B Linda Mar Blvd