Taryn Curiel
Taryn Curiel
I liked challenges so after years of exploring and studying different mediums, I fell in
love with the unpredictability of watercolor and it became my medium of choice. I
tried new surfaces and ways to apply the paint. I want to rediscover watercolor and
show the viewer what it can do.
The more I freely painted, the more I discovered who I was as a painter. It became
clear that I had a passion for lines, geometric shapes, and organic textures. My
geometric lines denote structure. Soft organic textures and muted color serve as a
balance to the lines, therefore stories emerge inviting the viewer for a closer look.
As a subject, I have always loved the human figure, every curve or every wrinkle is
part of the person’s story. I like to imagine their lives. I use those imaginary stories to
get ideas for my paintings. In my current work, I use the human figure as part of my
primary subject matter, but I don’t want it to be very obvious, I want the viewer to
understand the story on their own terms, so I add geometric elements, especially
rectangles, to represent windows peeking through the human figure’s story. The
audience can see through the window looking in or from the inside looking out. Each
piece communicates an emotional personal narrative that I hope to intrigue the
Email: tc@taryncuriel.com
Website: taryncuriel.com
Instagram: taryncuriel
Facebook: taryncuriel.art
Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 17 - 18: Site# 186 Alameda Art Works
1068 The Alameda, San Jose
Site: 186 Alameda Art Works
1068 The Alameda
San Jose