Nicola Franklin
Breaking Free
Entangled Life
The Crane Brings Calm
The Crow Birds Alarm
The Moon Owl
Tulips in a Blue Vase
Nicola Franklin
I engage in a diverse range of artistic expressions, blending media such as painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, and occasionally work in textiles. My creative journey is fueled by an innate curiosity and a deep appreciation for the fleeting moments that captivate my senses My art serves as a dialogue with those moments of awareness, allowing the creative process to unfold organically. Much like the unexpected beauty of birds gracing my garden, and I pay tribute to these encounters through a series of pencil and ink drawings. Similarly, the simplicity of a potted plant or a vase of flowers set against a backdrop of patterned fabric sparks a playful burst of abstract mixed media paintings, celebrating color and form. I see myself as a storyteller, memory maker and my work explores my relationship and connection to the world and offers me a gateway for artistic exploration and expression, which I hope others will connect to.