Sydell Lewis
Sydell Lewis
As an experimental painter and digital printmaker, I distil and transform the rhythms, sensuality, patterns and color of nature and my surroundings into layers of new visual abstract constructs balanced with the reality of the recognizable. The tools of digital printmaking allows me to explore new ways of creating imagery, and offers a way of combining painting and printmaking that takes my work to unexpected places.
Robert Allen Fine Art, 301 Caledonia Street, Sausalito, 415- 331-2800 ( and on my personal website(
My work is in many private and corporate collections, including the new Kaiser Permanente facility in San Jose. Two of my early mixed media prints purchased by The Mac Arthur Park Restaurant many years ago can still be seen in one of their rooms.
Instagram: sydell3
Facebook: sydell.lewis
Silicon Valley Open Studio Location
May 18 - 19: Site# 297
872 Brookline Dr, Sunnyvale
Site: 297
872 Brookline Dr