Jayashree Sadasivan-Digital Arts
Jayashree Sadasivan
Artist Bio:
My love for drawing and painting started ever since my parents gifted me a box of crayons for my birthday in kindergarten.
Colors fascinate me. I use bright colors in most of my artworks for vivacity and expressiveness. I gather inspiration from nature and I paint a variety of subjects-whatever suits my fancy at the moment. Colored Pencils , Pen and Ink, Acrylics , Digital Art and Mixed media are some of my favorite mediums to create art with. I like to explore and play with a variety of mediums and try to incorporate them onto my artworks.
Apart from my Artistic endeavors , I have earned my Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and more recently I earned my Certification of Achievement in Graphics and Interactive Design.
Over the years I have won several Awards through various juried shows and my digital artworks have been exhibited in galleries such as the Pacific Art League in Palo Alto and at the Palo Alto Art Center. I have been a member of the Sunnyvale Art Club for the past 14 years, and a member of the Colored Pencil Society of America (CPSA) for the past 5 years and more recently I joined ABUN – Artists and Biologists Unite for Nature, a group of scientists and artists who are devoted to creating positive change for nature conservation. I have also had the pleasure of beautifying our cities by painting utility art boxes around the Bay Area and I find it to be a rewarding experience for me.
My Colored Pencil Artworks have been published in the Colored Pencil magazine, Color magazine of Ann Kullberg and Colored Pencil Hidden Treasures Volumes 4,5,6 and 8 and my illustrations have been published in bUneke’s Young Explorer’s Activity page Volume 1- No 1-Issue1. My illustrations for a Children’s Picture Book is in the works and it will be out later this year.
Artist Statement:
As I lay each stroke of color in my artworks, I am always looking to add visual interest to my art pieces in order to create drama, mood, texture, light and humor. Creating art gives me immense joy and I hope to share that joy to my viewers as well.
Email: jaysartndesign24@gmail.com
Website: sites.google.com/view/jaysartndesign
Instagram: jaysartndesign
Facebook: Artist.Jayashree