Elizabeth Ross-Jewelry
Elizabeth Ross
From early childhood I was drawn to shiny, sparkly things. The first subjects I looked up in the encyclopedia were gemstones from fairy tales – rubies, sapphires, pearls, diamonds!
I was thrilled to discover that California College of the Arts (then California College of Arts and Crafts) offered a major in Metal Arts. This was the springboard from which I plunged into a lifelong fascination with precious stones and metals.
Goldsmithing is my passion. After completing my BFA, I continued with studies at the Kulicke-Starke Academy and the Gemological Institute of America, both in New York, and the Revere Academy in San Francisco. I explored processes and techniques involving direct fabrication in metal, wax carving, enameling, rendering, and gemology. I researched traditional techniques from other cultures such as metales casados (married metals) from Mexico, mokume gane (wood grain metal) from Japan, and granulation from ancient Etruria (present day Italy). Learning to create my own gold alloys provided a palette of rich colors. Blending elements of several techniques enabled me to create a hybrid fusion of multicolor and multi-karat gold compositions, each with its own unique rhythm and flow.
Inspired by nature, I live by the ocean where the moonlight shimmers on the waves and the wind etches patterns into the sand. Sometimes I incorporate literal images such as leaves or flowers into the design; sometimes, abstract patterns and textures. I love to push the limits of my medium.
Email: erross760@gmail.com
Website: e-ross-jewelry.com
Instagram: elizabethross15
Facebook: ElizabethRossFineJewelry