Manipulated digital phograph of a Luca’s Blue Butterfly
Contact the artist: ted@TDM.X10.BZ
Or see the artist’s website: TDM.X10.BZ
Width: 6in
Ted Reynolds
My artwork celebrates the beauty and / or whimsy in everyday objects by the introduction of artificial symmetries.
As far back as I can remember there has always been original artwork in my house. I can remember sitting for what seemed like countless hours to a small boy posing for many-a portrait being drawn by my mother. These "countless hours" were most likely just a few minutes. Now that I am a parent myself it is hard to imagine a small boy sitting still for "countless hours." We were also always encouraged to draw. In my opinion, I never became very good at drawing. I seemed to be drawn to art of the three dimensional sort. Though I don’t have the time it takes to sculpt in my chosen medium (flat toothpicks!).
I have also always enjoyed looking at the artworks of other artists. While pursuing this enjoyment at the Silicon Valley Open Studios I ran across Dottie Chichon that was doing something very similar to the type of work I am currently doing. I came away from her studio thinking "I can do that!" And thus began what has become a rather prolific artistic endeavor.
Email: ted@TDM.X10.BZ
Website: TDM.X10.BZ
Instagram: tedcreyn
Facebook: TedsDigitalManipulations