Canal in Venice
I love getting lost in Venice when its raining and the streets are empty, thats when I got the inspiration for this piece.
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Width: 24in
Depth: 2in
Noemi Manero
I embarked on my artistic journey as a young girl in Barcelona, where, in my early years, I didn’t adhere to any specific style or technique. What mattered to me was the profound sense of peace and excitement I experienced while drawing or painting – a boundless exploration of different aspects without constraints.
Fast forward to today, and painting has become a daily ritual for me. It serves as a healing balm, In my studio, I am focused on transmitting positive feelings and assisting others through my art.
Reflecting on Henri Matisse’s wisdom that "An artist should never be a prisoner of himself," I embrace the notion that creativity takes courage. When asked about my technique or style, I don’t adhere to a specific process. Instead, I paint what I feel in the moment, whether it’s the dynamic energy of Urban Landscapes or the serenity of peaceful landscapes. My preferred medium is a blend of acrylic with oil pastels, and I constantly challenge myself to create something new.
Traveling to my hometown, Barcelona, inspires much of my work, drawn from personal photographs. However, my true passion lies in painting memories and capturing emotions. Having faced anxiety in the past and witnessing the escalating mental health challenges globally, art has evolved into an integral part of my healing process. Each painting is a deliberate focus on the emotions it can evoke and contributes to my goal of raising funds and awareness for charities or groups in need.
My ultimate definition of accomplishment is if one of my pieces brightens someone’s day. For inquiries or to connect, you can always reach out to me at or visit I am committed to making a positive impact on my community and beyond, one painting at a time.
Instagram: noemaneroart
Facebook: noemimanero