Milagros for Times Like These
Across cultures and time humans have made offerings to their spirit worlds. These prayers take many forms alters, candles, charms, incantations, performative acts, sacrifices. They are requests for healing, protection and forgiveness and embody hopes of connection to the miracles of sacred forces beyond the everyday. In the series Milagros for Times Like These, incantations and charms are offered to ancient sources of wisdom, seeking transformationrestoration and healing from the effects of current destructive human practices.Lithography and screen print on Rives BFK.
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Width: 22in
Nanette Wylde
I am a reflective thinker and maker whose studio work is a response to specific phenomena which are generally external to myself. The resultant work is interdisciplinary with a strong focus on narrative and storytelling.
My process often begins from an obsessive thought, as in trying to understand/make sense of a given phenomena; a string of words, perhaps similar to an ear worm; a concept, or concern which I attempt to satisfy with both research and making. My most recent works reflect on issues of sustainability, the history and practice of natural resource extraction, global mass extinctions, finding meaning, and discerning truth in today’s world. Although I work in the media best suited for a given project, I think of myself as a printmaker, and my process often results in artist books which include original text.
My interests include: language, personality, difference, beliefs, systems, ideas, movement, reflection, identity, perceptions, structures, stories, socialization, definitions, context, memory, experience, change, the natural world, and residue.
Instagram: nanwylde