Oak leaf scarf
This scarf is eco printed. It is a process using the pigments in the leaves themselves combined with mordant, iron and tannin. It is 100% silk.
Contact the artist: barbara@pease-porridge.com
Or see the artist’s website: Pease-porridge.com
Width: 8in
Barbara Pease
Simply said, I paint because I have to. It makes me whole. The times in my life when I have let that side of me go, I have gone a little crazy. Art is my sanity and my refuge. In my watercolors I am very interested in light – how it shines through and reflects off of objects and people, and how that light captures time. I use photo references because I study that precision of light and shadow in a particular moment.
For the past few years I have been painting on silk. I am seduced by the vibrancy of the colors and how they play on the sheen of the fabric. For paintings, this is slow and very process filled work, so I have only a few detailed pieces in that medium. But I also have been painting scarves. They’re fun, bright and abstract and are just about a polar opposite to my watercolors.
Email: barbara@pease-porridge.com
Website: Pease-porridge.com
Facebook: peasesporridge