Patio Fountain in Mosaic
My first foray into 3-D mosaic_ This stunning piece features a __decorative pattern using the same mosaic tiles I used to create __my patio. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail over many __hours, this fountain is the perfect centerpiece for my patio. Made __from high-quality materials, my fountain was built to withstand __the test of time, ensuring years of enjoyment. Coome and visit it __at my Open Studio_
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Width: 22in
Mary Cook
My name is Mary Crocker Cook, and Recovery Kitty is a labor of love for me and key to my long-term recovery! My love of art and design makes my heart happy. I spend a lot of time with beaded work and have recently started working with broken china mosaics. When I am working on a tapestry or creating a mosaic time passes and suddenly it has been 6 hours! It truly is my "zone." I am also part of a local Non-profit, Many Paths One Destination,, and organize an Art of Recovery art show and sale every year in March. We have formed a strong group of creative people in substance use recovery who use our art as part of our long-term recovery. If you are an artist in recovery, and would like to join us, please contact me!
Instagram: recoverykittyart