Philae Island
The painting showcases the Temple of Isis bathed in the warm glow of the Egyptian winter sun. The painting captures the timeless allure of the temple, transporting the viewer to a place of ancient wonder and spiritual significance.
Contact the artist: CLIO423@GMAIL.COM
Width: 8in
Amy Robinson
Through landscape painting, I explore the connection between time, place, and memory.
For me, painting landscapes is a process of slowing down, observing, and immersing myself in the layers of a location. History, moods, and transformations. The act of rendering these spaces is a way of engaging with not just what is seen but what is felt.
Each painting is an attempt to bridge the physical and the intangible: to distill the essence of a place while inviting viewers to bring their own interpretations and experiences to the work. In this way, my work aims to honor the spirit of a place and the stories it holds.