Portable Reliquary for Saint Gaia
There is a word, “EcoGrief”, which goes beyond the mourning one may feel over the felling of a tree or the polluting of a stream. It is the feeling of despair when we recognize the death of entire living systems. A death we cannot even comprehend in its scope of past destroyed and future lost. As a species we have come to the point where our capacity for destruction on multiple fronts far exceeds our ability to ameliorate the damage we have done. While simultaneously we function within a delusion that we are somehow separate from our global environment, that we can function as spectators to its destruction when in reality it will inevitably lead to a dead, desiccated planet.
Contact the artist: ctmoraga@gmail.com
Or see the artist’s website: palimpsesteum.com
Width: 20in
Depth: 20in
Clayton Moraga
Just as my consciousness is formed through the accretion of awareness, thought, and memory;
the creation and form of my work is an evocation of the depth and layers of my consciousness. The exterior of my sculptures is a form inspired by an interior sculpture, that immediate interior is itself one of successive layers of manifested concepts, each inspired by the deeper layers.
I start with a core element – an artifact of my emotions or ideas – then I build a sculpture around that, then another around that, then more. The static idea of sculpture can then become a living expression – simulacrum of an evolving consciousness. Time and experience inspire successive new layers. It is never completed. It can only be put aside or released to the world outside the studio. Outside of my control it can gain new layers from interaction with the environment of future owners, or if discarded, decay and gradually reveal the layers it contains until gone.
Email: ctmoraga@gmail.com
Website: palimpsesteum.com
Instagram: claytonmoraga