Redwood Grove – Memorial Park
Water mixable oil on canvas
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Width: 23in
Denis Shaw
Denis Shaw began painting in 2012, studying under Plein Air painter Joyce Converse.
He believes the main joy of creating art is in the process, while expressing his personal feelings and imagination. When painting "en plein air", he paints what his heart sees, interpreting a scene in his unique style and impression.
Always considered to be an artist, Denis has pursued many avenues of self expression, including fibre arts, sculpture, photography, etching, printmaking, multi-media, graphic arts, watercolour painting, oil painting, and all aspects of basic design. He attended San Francisco Art Institute in the 1970s focusing on printmaking and lithography, after serving in the United States Army as a Swahili linguist. He also hitchhiked around Europe in his 20s, visiting museums and studying the History of Art face to face, up close and personal.