Teton Chapel
The Chapel of the Transfiguration (St. Johns Episcopal Church) is a small log chapel in Grand Teton National Park. It was built in 1925 and is situated so that the view behind the altar is of the Teton’s highest peaks. We went there and all we could see was fog, so we detoured to the nearest gift store and when we were finished shopping, we went back to see a gorgeous view. Of course, the chapel is not really this color, but the mountains were snow covered, there were clouds in the sky, and sapling trees around it, and the grounds were filled with flowers–a beautiful sight
Contact the artist: patricianojima@hotmail.com
Or see the artist’s website: www.patricianojima.com
Width: 20in
Patricia Nojima
Line, design, and composition matter to me. I use layers of glazes to alter or brighten hues. The more I paint, the more I realize the importance of values and the appearance of light. I simplify, idealize ordinary subjects to reduce them to more graphic or whimsical images. And color, (the fun part!) I still don’t understand, maybe I never will. But paintings have minds of their own. They say “Put yellow here, blue there…” And I do.
See more of my work at Gallery House, 826 Santa Cruz Ave, Menlo Park, CA: galleryhouse.art and at my own website: www.patricianojima.com
Email: patricianojima@hotmail.com
Website: www.patricianojima.com
Instagram: patricianojima
Facebook: PatriciaRhinesNojima