The Russian Bride’s Attire
These are two separate images I took at different museums, I combined them for a better composition.
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Width: 28in
Margaret Washington
A native Californian, Margaret Washington graduated from San Jose State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design. While there, she was a student of N. Eric Obach the imaginative watercolor master. Working as a graphic designer until 1989, she decided to stay home, raise her three daughters and paint in earnest.
Although she paints a variety of subjects, from still life to urban landscapes, light and shadow and strong composition drive her artist interest. A review in Art Bits and Pieces said her “watercolors are like fine china – light, elegant and very pleasing to the eye”.
She has won many awards for watercolor in juried shows and has had her work exhibited in national shows, galleries and museums. She is currently an art teacher at Old Orchard School in Campbell CA and has private and group lesson and work shops. She is a Master Signature Member of California Watercolor Society. She has taken part in the Silicon Valley Open Studio Tour and the Saratoga Rotary Art Show, Naglee Park Open Studio and the Triton Museum Biannual Watercolor Exhibition.
“My paintings are about playing with light, bringing out contours and texture and finding the poetry in every day objects and scenes”
Instagram: Mpwashington