With the Colors #3
This is part of a series inspired by 100 letters written by my grandfather while he was a young soldier serving in the US Army during World War I. I never met him. This series references how immigrants have persevered through darkness, after persecution or great despair, to find their way to a distant, more hopeful shore. Like my grandfather, who fled the pogroms of Eastern Europe and then proudly fought as a U.S. soldier in the "Great War," so many immigrants have held their commitment to America with all its promises and pitfalls. Copies of his letters are integrated into the work.
Contact the artist: ellenbrook@ellen-brook.com
Or see the artist’s website: www.ellen-brook.com
Width: 36in
Depth: 2in
Ellen Brook
I am a mixed media artist, and fabric and fashion designer. Exploring the interplay of delicious color, feel-fabulous fabric, and textures that surprise and delight is my poetry.
On the art side, I create dynamic abstract and mixed media paintings that vibrate with a sense of playfulness, texture and a passion for color. As a student of the philosophies and wisdom of the ancient East, I am drawn to creating art that reveals something about our inner landscape. My work relates to such small topics (!) as the mind, the human condition, and the healing and energetic properties of beauty and color. I’m currently working on a series of Message in a Bottle works inspired by recently discovered letters written by a grandfather (whom I never met) as a young soldier in WW1.
On the fashion design side, I create "luxuriously-down-to-earth" apparel and accessories for women and the home. My hope is that each scarf, garment or interior element transforms a simple outfit or space with a single stroke of dramatic color, fresh texture and unexpected design.
My inspirations are everywhere – from the organic patterns of nature, to the diverse textiles of ethnic cultures, to philosophy about reality, to the soft gestures of everyday movements.
Email: ellenbrook@ellen-brook.com
Website: www.ellen-brook.com
Instagram: ellenbrookartandfashion
Facebook: ellenbrookart