Guidelines for Using The SVOS Logo
Any place that the SVOS logo is used must reference an official SVOS event. If other events are listed, that’s okay, but at least one must be an official SVOS event where you are participating. Some artists like to send a post card listing where they will be showing for the next several weeks. That’s okay, so long as one of those places is an SVOS event.
- You can change the size but you must do so proportionally and maintain the aspect ratio.
- Do not warp, wrap or otherwise transform the look and shape of the SVOS logo.
- Do not alter the colors. You may convert from RGB to CMYK for print.
- Do not overlay any other graphic or image on top of the SVOS logo.
- Do not change the opacity of the SVOS logo. The png version supports transparent background.
- No other changes without express written permission from Silicon Valley Visual Arts.
Participating artists are encouraged to add an SVOS Participating Artist version from the Marketing Materials page.